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Spring Cleaning for Your Financial Peace of Mind

Updated: Aug 16

Spring flowers in a mountain valley

Spring Cleaning for Your Financial Peace of Mind

With the temps rising and the spring flowers emerging, you might feel the urge for spring cleaning. If you've ever done it before then you know the process is worth it. Clearing out the clutter feels good. Since you know it can be a big job, half of the battle is getting started. You also know that once you start, you won't stop until the job's done.

It may have been a year since you last did your spring cleaning. You might even find something that is useful to you now. Sometimes you find things that you thought you lost. Maybe a childhood keepsake which brings to mind the simple joy of youth. It can be emotional, tiring work. But the sense of freedom and triumph makes it worth it. Another benefit is knowing what you have and where it is.

Spring Cleaning Can Bring Financial Clarity

Similarly, you can look at tax time as spring cleaning for your finances. It is easy to sort through old mail with "Tax Document Enclosed" stamped on the front. The hard part is going through a year’s worth of documents. Trying to recall those darned websites, usernames and passwords. No matter who does your taxes, you gotta pull all this stuff together. It's a good idea for you to have a system for all your financial documents. Putting your finances in order feels good once you're done. Especially if you get a tax refund!

A better grasp of your financial picture is the surprise bonus of tax time. You can review the progress that you made over the course of the year. It's a good time to review where your money is going and how to save it. Looking at the last year and this year can bring you clarity.

But there is nothing like the peace of mind that comes from creating a financial plan. If you'd like to know more, give us a call.

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