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How Life is Different: A Personal Look


Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Life is different

There's no denying it. The world seems different than it was only two months ago. Lives have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. From plunging and turbulent markets, to social distancing and shelter-at-home, to the rising death toll. It might feel scary and overwhelming. It might feel like the end of life as you know it.

For those alive today, we have never experienced anything like this pandemic. We've never seen this level of interruption to normal life. This is all new for us. But there are some pretty universal truths in this pandemic.

Every financial crisis has been different from the last. And in every case, the market has rebounded stronger than ever. This time is likely no different.

Today, we're going to step away from the financial conversation and take a more personal look at how coronavirus has changed the lives of our staff by answering three questions.

For some of us, life hasn't changed much while others see a drastic difference in their day-to-day. We asked our staff what they miss most about their lives pre-coronavirus. Here's what they had to say:


Going to church and experiencing the peace that brings.


Going out to eat.


Going out to dinner and hanging out with our friends and extended family.


Shopping in stores for my home.


It’s a tie between my standing Sunday writing time with friends at Starbucks and my 7-yr old son going to school. Home schooling is HARD.

With all the ways our lives have changed, there are some upsides too. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining, and after every storm comes the rainbow. We asked our staff what they don't miss about their lives pre-coronavirus. Here's what they had to say (spoiler-alert, there seems to be a trend with most of the staff):




Grocery shopping at the store…I think I could get used to placing an order online and getting them delivered to our door.


Being stuck in traffic.


Heavier traffic.


Chaotic mornings trying to get my son and myself ready for the day.

Shelter-at-home and social distancing might mean you suddenly find yourself with more time on your hands. We asked the staff what they're doing to fill all those off-hours. Here's what they had to say:


Taking walks and playing with more girls more.


Our son, Carter, has been home with us also so we had a lot of quality family time. We’re also getting together with friends and family regularly still, but via Zoom rather than in person. The pantry has gotten some extra love also with some reorganizing.


Cooking meals as a family, board games, catching up on Netflix, organizing my whole house, home projects, exercising.


Organizing new home, completing tasks that were not high priority but on my mind, facetiming friends and family.


Organizing, playing with my son, playing mobile games, listening to LOTS of audiobooks, reading, writing, and working on edits for my upcoming romance novel.

Tell us what you miss most, don't miss at all, and how you're filling the time on our Facebook page! We'd love to hear from you.

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